Telltale Signs You Need Appliance Repair Services

What Your Appliances Are Telling You

It’s important to have your appliances checked by a professional on a regular basis. However, most people don’t know how often to have them serviced. Some appliances, like your washing machine and dryer, should be serviced every 3-5 years. Other appliances, for example, your refrigerator and microwave, should be serviced every year. Below are 3 of the signs that it’s time to call a professional appliance repair service!

The appliance makes strange noises

Noises are one of the first signs that something is wrong. If you hear something out of the ordinary when you run your washing machine, for example, you should call a professional. These noises can often mean there’s something wrong with your washing machine. While it’s impossible to diagnose a problem through sound alone, it’s a good place to start. If the noise is the result of something more serious, then you should get it fixed right away!

Your appliance won’t turn on

If your washing machine won’t turn on or your dryer won’t heat up, chances are there’s something wrong with the thermostat or the electrical system in your home. It could be something as simple as a loose wire, however, it’s best to call a professional to diagnose the problem. By doing so, you can rule out other possibilities and spend your money on the part that’s truly broken.

You see water or moisture around the appliance

If you see water or moisture around your appliance, then you may have a problem! If this happens, you should call a professional right away. It could mean that your washing machine needs repair or your dryer vent is clogged. If left ignored, it could destroy your appliance and cause more expensive damage down the road. Your washing machine and dryer should be working efficiently, which means they should be rid of moisture and water in the appliance when they’re used. If you see any of this, call an appliance repair contractor right away!

Eddie's Appliance Repair is the appliance technician you need! If you need my assistance in Gaithersburg, MD, you should call me at (240) 433-3437 now!

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